Odesa Photo Days at Lodz Fotofestiwal

This year Lodz Fotofestiwal takes place on 9-26 June with the theme “Community” and Odesa Photo Days Festival was invited to the guest program to show Ukrainian photography, created both before and after the full-scale war started.
“When we started our work on the Fotofestiwal program in August last year, the emotional load of the word COMMUNITY was different than it is today. After Russia’s unjustified criminal attack on Ukraine, we would like to believe that it is the “community” that will allow us to survive this crisis”, the Fotofestiwal statement says.
Odesa Photo Days Festival’s curator and director Kateryna Radchenko curated two visual stories:
The Foreboding Landscape exhibition
10-26 June
OFF Piotrkowska, Piotrkowska 138/140
Foreboding Landscape features photographs taken by Ukrainian male and female photographers before Russia started a full-scale war against Ukraine. The works convey various aspects of life: understanding home and one’s own territory; visual connections with the past and the Soviet regime, which has so far been present in various forms in Ukraine; anxiety and subconscious preparation for the worst-case scenario that prevailed in moods, conversations and daily life.
Featured artists:
Taras Bychko, Igor Efimov, Vitaliy Galanzha, Oleksandr Navrotskyi, Polina Polikarpova, Anna Pylypyuk and Volodymyr Shypotilnykov, Olia Kowal, Mykhaylo Palinchak, Xenia Petrovska, Viacheslav Poliakov, SHILO group (Sergiy Lebedynskyy & Vladyslav Krasnoshchok), Elena Subach, Alina Smutko, Valerii Veduta, Volodymyr Petrov.
The Thin Line photo screening
9-26 June (during the festival)
The Thin Line is a visual story about how quickly life can change. It is a mixture of photos-memories of a peaceful life and snapshots from contemporary, military everyday life in Ukraine.
Featured artists:
Yurko Dyachyshyn, Andriy Lomakin, Volodymyr Petrov, Stas Yurchenko, Mykhaylo Palinchak, Serhii Korovaynyy, Elena Subach, Serhii Nuzhnenko, Oleksandr Ratushniak, Viacheslav Ratynski, Yuliya Chervinska, Alina Smutko, Igor Efimov, Oleksandr Navrotskyi, Pavlo Dorohoi, Serhii Hudak, Shilo Group (Sergiy Lebedynskyy & Vladyslav Krasnoshchok), Kateryna Moskalyuk, Kostyantyn Chernichkin.
About Fotofestiwal
Fotofestiwal – International Festival of Photography in Łódź, Poland created in 2001. It was one of the first photographic events in Poland: a small-scale, spontaneous initiative of a group of Sociology students. Today, the festival is an international event attended by more than 20,000 people every year.
Organiser: Fundacja Edukacji Wizualnej (Foundation for Visual Education)
Co-organisers: Łódzkie Centrum Wydarzeń (Łódź Event Center), Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Fabryka Sztuki (Art Factory) in Łódź,
Festival Centers: Art_Inkubator, OFF Piotrkowska,
The main partners of the festival: University of Łódź, Film School in Łódź,
Strzemiński Academy of Art in Łódź, the Month of Photography in Minsk, Odesa Photo Days
Translation partner: Translateria
Festival sponsor: Rossmann