Female Ukrainian Photographers

Curator – Kateryna Radchenko
Organizers – NGO Art Travel
As part of the International Festival Odesa Photo Days 2021
For a long time, photography has been a man’s field — leafing through the exhibition catalogs of the last century one can rarely come across female names. One of the reasons is believed to be the lack of women’s interest in photography, but at the same time in the archives, we find the work of unknown but interesting female photographers. Another opinion is that women leave art after creating a family and having children, but in the modern world, there are already so many examples that overcome this stereotype. Also in professional circles there are judgments that work in hot spots, long expeditions, and on sports grounds is a strictly man’s job, but history and modernity time after time proves that professionalism and agility do not depend on gender. We want to give a voice to women: to show what they shoot, what they care about, how they shape stories and visual messages, and to use these examples to trace how contemporary photography develops in Ukraine.
Send in your series of works and tell stories, share your views. The selected series will be presented at Odesa Photo Days 2021 and other international photography festivals in 2021-2022.
Conditions for participation:
Applications are accepted from Ukrainian female photographers, without limitation on age and technique of work.
- Send a portfolio in PDF format, the maximum number of pages – 10, the number of photos – unlimited, maximum 3 series of works, short text description, and a short biography;
- The application form can be sent by the author herself. Or by family or friends of the female photographer who has the property rights, If you want to send the work of their mother, grandmother, daughter, and so on;
- The filename should be in the following format: Name_Surname_Name of the project;
- Email subject “Open call Surname_Name_City”;
- Fill in the online form ;
- Participation in the contest is free.
Send works to thephotodays@gmail.com
Deadline – February 26, 2021.
Results announcement – March 2021.