Odesa Photo Days 2019 Program

International photo festival Odesa Photo Days 2019 will run on April 17-21 in Odesa, Ukraine. As always, a powerful educational program, the opening of photo exhibitions and atmospheric evening screenings await you. This year we added a new format of “morning coffee” (do not worry, festival mornings start at 12:00) and a workshop for teenagers.
The program may have slight changes.
16:00 – 19:00
Opening of the main exhibition Stand Point
The jury of the international open call:
Tiina Rauhala,
Alnis Stakle,
Maya Anner.
Odesa Museum of Western & Eastern Art
9 Pushkinska st.
12:00- 13:00
Morning coffee with participants of the main exhibition
Impact Hub Odessa
1a Hretska st.
14:00 – 15:00
Contemporary Art Photography in Austria
Lecture of Susanne Gamauf, Austria
Impact Hub Odessa
1a Hretska st.
15:00 – 16:30
Photography and The Market — A Short Guide For Artists and Collectors
Lecture of Katarzyna Sagatowska, Poland
Impact Hub Odessa
1a Hretska str.
Opening of the exhibition “Confusion”, Weronika Gesicka, Poland
Curators — Maga Cwieluch & Katarzyna Sagatowska
Invogue Art Gallery
25 Katerynynska st.
19:00 – 20:00
Evening screening
Odesa Regional Puppet Theatre
15 Pastera str.
10:00 – 13:00
Art photography. Conceptual portrait
Workshop for teenagers by Sergiy Melnitchenko
Registered participants will be noticed about location. Registration for workshop will be opened later.
12:00 – 13:00
Presentation of European platform of contemporary photography Parallel and its best cases
Morning coffee with Nune Ricou Salgado, Portugal
4City space
27/1 Kanatna st.
14:00 – 15:00
The Memory Works of Weronika Gesicka Through the Lens of Contemporary Polish and British photography
Curatorial talk with Katarzyna Sagatowska and Max Houghton
Impact Hub Odessa
1a Hretska str.
Korean Migration — The Long Walk. Open air exhibition opening
Curator — Kang Jeauk, South Korea
0 Derybasivska str (entrance from the Polska str.)
Opening of the exhibition “Transit”, Oleksandr Chekmenev, Viktor & Serhiy Kotchetov, Ukraine
Curators — Sergey Lebedinskiy, Kateryna Radchenko, Oleksandra Osadcha
Odesa Literature Museum
2 Lanzheronivska st.
Evening screening
27 Derybasivska str.
10:00 – 13:00
Art photography. Conceptual portrait
Workshop for teenagers by Sergiy Melnitchenko
Registered participants will be noticed about location.
12:00 – 13:00
Morning coffee with participants of the Transit exhibition
4City space
27/1 Kanatna st.
13:00 – 14:30
History and Practice of Cameraless Photography or Abstract Imprints of a Concrete Reality
Lecture by Olena Newkryta, Austria
4City space
27/1 Kanatna st.
16:00 – 17:00
A Personal Journey in Photography: Stratos Kalafatis, 1983-2019
Artist talk by Stratos Kalafatis, Greece
Greek Fund of Culture
20 Chervoniy ln.
19:00 – 20:00
Evening screening
TEO: Theatrical Space
18 Viyskoviy descent
10:00 – 14:00
Portfolio review
Registered participants will be noticed about location
Open Mic Presentation of Photo Projects
Open Call for Projects will be announced later
Impact Hub Odessa
1a Hretska st.
Evening screening
Urban Music Hall
33 Rishelievska str.